Steps for Designing HRD Intervention
- Identification of the Objectives
- Selecting the Trainer
- Train-the Trainer Program
- Preparing a Lesson Plan
- Selecting Training Methods and Media
- Preparing Training Materials
- Program Announcements
- Program Outlines
- Training Manuals
- Scheduling an HRD Program
- Scheduling during work hours
- Scheduling after work hours
- Registration and Enrollment Issues
Table of Content
- 1 Steps for Designing HRD Intervention
- 1.1 Identification of the Objectives
- 1.2 Selecting the Trainer
- 1.3 Train-the Trainer Program
- 1.4 Preparing a Lesson Plan
- 1.5 Selecting Training Methods and Media
- 1.6 Preparing Training Materials
- 1.7 Program Announcements
- 1.8 Program Outlines
- 1.9 Training Manuals
- 1.10 Scheduling an HRD Program
- 1.11 Scheduling during work hours
- 1.12 Scheduling after work hours
- 1.13 Registration and Enrollment Issues
Identification of the Objectives
An HRD professional, after completing the needs assessment, is required to define the objectives for the HRD program. The results of HRD program can be achieved through several means like lectures, coaching and mentoring.
However this is not usually specified in the objective. Objectives are rather used as a basis for deciding which method should be used for achieving a specified outcome. Objectives are therefore essential to a successful HRD program. In addition objectives also help the organization in evaluating a program’s success.
Identifying the deficiencies in a training program can be achieved through needs assessment data. The objectives of any training program will be dictated by the specific deficiencies concerns and other aspects identified in the needs assessment. The success of any HRD program depends upon several parameters. Some of these include:
Selecting the Trainer
Once an organization has made a decision to design its own training program regardless of whether the trainers are within or outside the organization, it is important to select a trainer who can effectively deliver to meet the objectives of the organization.
For an organization with a good HRD function, this decision is easy because they will be equipped with professionals, especially trained for this function. If selecting an External trainer, care should be taken to ensure that he/she has the required skills to deliver effective instruction. Organizations look at both the qualifications and experience of the trainer in selection.
References from other organizations can also be useful information for the organization in selecting the most appropriate trainer.In addition to the expertise relating to the techniques and tools of conducting training, the potential trainer needs to have adequate knowledge of the subject matter to be included in the future training activities.
Such knowledge will help the trainer to select those training methods and materials which suit a particular training course. It will be worthwhile to point out that not all training methods are applicable to all training courses.
Train-the Trainer Program
Train-the-trainer programs are designed to introduce new and experienced trainers to fresh methods for creating and managing effective training programs that truly engage their learners. Trainers that attend train-the-trainer programs can learn how to reduce course preparation time, accelerate learning and discover new ways to demonstrate return on investment for clients.
The purpose of train the trainer program is to provide subject matter experts with the necessary instructional knowledge and skills to design and implement a training program. These programs focus on many issues which are as follows:
- Developing trainee objectives and lesson plan
- Selecting and preparing training materials
- Selecting and using training aids (slides, videos, overheads)
- Selecting and using different training methods and technique.
Preparing a Lesson Plan
A lesson plan structures training sessions to facilitate the instructional objectives that were developed.
Content in the lesson plan include:
- Title of the lesson
- Objectives
- Timing
- Number of Participants
- Aids and Equipment
- Methods used
- Detailed plan of the content covered and activities planned for the session.
Selecting Training Methods and Media
The next step in the training method is to select the appropriate training method. A survey conducted stated that originations use the classroom format for all of their formal training. On the other hand the least active method of training is the lecture method .The methods such as outdoor training, role playing exercises, games, and simulations which are highly experiential demand the greatest amount of activity.
Preparing Training Materials
After training methods have been selected the next step is to purchase the training materials which would depend whether the program is purchased or designed by the origination.
Conducting an HRD program involves the preparation of several materials such as the following:
- Announcements of the training program – especially if selecting employees for long-term training.
- Training materials: including outlines, handouts, PowerPoint or other presentations.
- Manuals or texts: relevant if the training is about the process of doing a specific job. Manuals will help in the retention and transfer of learning.
Program Announcements
The target audience is informed about the training program through program announcements. The announcement made should indicate the purpose of the program, when and where it will be held, and how the employee can qualify to participate in the program.
Before the process of necessary request forms the employees should be given sufficient lead time so that they can adjust their schedules. The announcements are basically mailed individually to employees or sent through supervisory channels, union stewards, company newsletters, or an organization’s intranet.
Program Outlines
The program outlines are the documents that communicate the content, goals, and expectations for a program. Typically provided are the beginning of the program, these include such things as course objectives, topical areas are to be covered, materials, a requirement of each trainee, and a tentative schedule of events. The program outline can also be used to establish behavioral expectations, including punctuality, attendance, work habits, class habits, and class participation.
Training Manuals
The trainers mostly rely on a training manual or textbook for the basic instructional material, reading, exercises, and self-test. Some of the documents are organized into modules as it makes easy to organize the training program into sessions. Trainers who decide to use a textbook normally contact a publisher and determine whether individual modules can be purchased separately.
Training manuals can be readily produced by an organization, particularly given the availability of desktop publishing software. The production cost will include staff time of curriculum design and writing, cost of equipment, and printing.
Scheduling an HRD Program
The importance of timing was earlier discussed in the context of deciding whether to conduct training internally or externally. The organization needs to plan the types of HRD initiatives(education, training, self-development) for the year, so that they do not conflict with organizational goals. Organizations usually do not prefer to stop all their work because there are too many programs happening at once.
Furthermore, the decision of whether to conduct the program during work hours or after work hours is important. On the one hand, the organization may not be able to afford to release employees during working hours. The employee may not be able to come in for a training program after work hours due to additional family or other responsibilities. The timing of a program should be decided on the basis of balancing these two conflict needs.
Scheduling during work hours
Scheduling the training program during the normal working hours avoids the conflicts such as commuting, family and other personal obligations which send the message to the employees that learning is an important part of the job. The HRD professional while scheduling the program during the normal work hours should consider factors such as the day of the week, time of the day, peak work hours, staff meetings and travel requirements.
The day of the weak is not considered as most the employees often favor some days off such as Monday, Friday. Scheduling a training program on the peak work hours are the times of the day, which can cause a potential conflict.
Scheduling after work hours
At times the organizations schedule the training program after the work hours or in the weekend to avoid the constraints discussed earlier though this approach can also create problems. Even though the employees are aware of the schedule of the training program on a particular day in advance some familial problems arise causing a few to miss the training sessions.
Employees are not physically and mentally fit after a long day at work so they avoid the program and those who attend experience fatigue.
Registration and Enrollment Issues
The other problem which is faced during the training program is the enrollment and registration process. All the participants and the managers should clear and aware about the registration process and who is responsible for the logistics issues (e.g. travel arrangements, lodging, meals etc. and what if the employees need to cancel or do the rescheduling of the training. RegOnline is such a program which provides online registration for such types of events, including the training programs.