Methods of Recruitment and Selection of Salesperson

  • Post last modified:10 August 2023
  • Reading time:10 mins read
  • Post category:Sales Management
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Right salesmen can help enterprises acquire marketing objectives. Recruitment and selection are critical decisions in salesforce management that situation with ensuring the proper type (right qualities, right qualifications and right experience) of sales employee.

The recruitment of salesperson shall begin with the project of determining the number of humans to be inducted into the enterprise. The number of salespersons required will depend on such elements as the number of clients (existing and potential), the number of times the clients want to be contacted and the time required, etc. It is crucial that the enterprise has the proper number of salespersons. The number shall neither be more nor less.

Methods of Recruitment and Selection of Salesperson

Methods of recruitment of salespersons are defined as follow:

Recruitment of Salespersons From Among the Existing Employees

Preference can be given to the present personnel of the concern. Employees working in different departments can be taken into consideration if they own the preferred qualification, aptitude and mind-set for a sales career.

Some of the benefits of choosing from within the enterprise are:

  • They may be easily assessed, as their carrier statistics are already available.

  • Such personnel is speculated to be greater loyal and sincere.

  • The initial training to be given (known as induction training) isn’t important as they are already familiar with the organisation.

  • Better management may be exercised over their activities as they are not strangers. To quote the proverb here ‘known devil is better than an unknown angel might be extra appropriate.

  • As the person is already a worker of the concern, he wants not to be paid a completely excessive remuneration.

Recruitment of Salespersons Through Newspaper Advertisement

The vacancy can be notified through manner of newspaper advertisements. The nature of work, the qualification expected, preceding selling experience, income offered, etc., could be commonly specified inside the advertisement itself.

Interested people can be requested to apply alongside their bio-data inside a stipulated time. Job seekers additionally advertise in newspapers. The enterprise might also additionally keep the details of such people and tell people who are observed good.

Recruitment of Salespersons Through Employment Exchanges

The Government run employment exchanges can be contacted in this regard. The company can also additionally request such employment exchanges to furnish a listing of eligible candidates. There also are private employment experts and bureaus that offer valuable facts on such matters.

Recruitment of Salespersons Through Campus Interviews

Another famous technique of recruitment nowadays is what is known as ‘campus interview’. By this it is supposed that the employers will go to colleges and universities at a particular time frame each year and interview the students studying certain diploma courses.

Usually, the eligible very last year college students could be interviewed. Those located appropriately could be given the placement orders immediately. Such selected people can be a part of the concerns after finishing their diploma course.

Recruitment of Salespersons From Competitors

Salespersons working for the competition can be lured with higher perquisites. The ethics in this type of practice has been a depend on controversy. The benefit of such a method is that the salespersons selected are already properly versed inside the particular line of enterprise and consequently can carry out their work greater effectively.

Such humans do not require much training. But the disadvantage of such a method is that the salespersons will not be loyal. If some different businessman tempts them with even extra perquisites, they will ditch the existing organisation and go.

Recruitment of Salespersons From Unsolicited Application

Renowned companies obtain a number of applications often from the unemployed graduates despite the fact that the concern has not referred to as for applications. The employees department of the concern might also additionally keep a document of all such applications for future consideration. Any candidate observed appropriate can be informed when a vacancy arises.

Process of Recruitment & Selection of Salesperson

Another crucial source of recruitment is that the organisation can be knowledgeable of a suitable candidate for a job inside the concern. Such a recommendation might also additionally come either from a worker of the company or from any friend or relative of the organisation. The following steps are performed:

Application Blank

Necessary facts about the applicant is required to keep in mind for appointment. Generally, the applicants are requested to use on company’s application form, dispatched directly to candidates towards a requisition or an application form, called application blank given inside the advertisement itself.

This is with a view to accumulating only the essential information of the candidates. It includes some of questions, when filled in, offers a clean concept about the candidate. Generally, it can include the name, sex, qualification, age, experience, health, social activities, references etc.


All applications will not be taken into consideration. Screening is a method via way of means of which applications are to be screened out (rejected) from in addition consideration, on the premise of unsuitability.

The final applications are officially taken into consideration via way of means of appointment, subject to additional formalities. By rejecting the applications of unqualified applicants, much time and strength can be saved in addition processing.


Generally, it is a common practice to ask the applicant to say the names of references or referees whose income supervisor can inquire about the applicant’s integrity, modern personality, and skills. The features are checked with care and warning of the sales manager via way of means of contacting the referees.

If the opinions are favorable, the applications pass to the following stage, and in case the referee offers unfavourable comment, the application is rejected at this stage. This is one-sided, but the validity of such an opinion is confused because of the reality there is an opportunity to convey best the goodness of the applicant.

Also, best the names of such informative people are referred to earlier notice. A face-to-face interview is critical to overcoming this.

Personal Interview

This is a crucial step in the method of selection. Only the screened applications are taken into consideration for selection and the organisation sends out interview letters. Personal interview is a must.

By this interview, the sales supervisor can recognise the positive and negative features of the applicant, as regards to the job duties. An appropriate interviewer needs to be unbiased, able to find out facts, a keen observer of the interviewee etc.


A test is an extra instrument that is used to further evaluate applicants in order to establish their fit for the job.

Article Source
  • Calvin, R.J. (2004). Sales Management. McGraw-Hill.

  • Weinberg, M. (2015). Sales Management. Simplified. The Straight Truth About Getting Exceptional Results from Your Sales Team. AMACOM

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