Scope of Economics

  • Post last modified:21 January 2021
  • Reading time:22 mins read
  • Post category:Economics
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Earlier, the scope of economics was limited to the utilisation of scarce resources to meet the needs and wants of people and society.

Over the years, the scope of economics has been broadened to many areas, which are shown in Figure

Scope of Economics

Scope of Economics

  1. Micro Economics
  2. Macro Economics
  3. International Economics
  4. Public finance
  5. Welfare Economics
  6. Health Economics
  7. Environmental Economics
  8. Urban and rural Economics
Scope of Economics
Scope of Economics

Micro Economics

This is considered to be basic economics. Microeconomics may be defined as that branch of economic analysis which studies the economic behaviour of the individual unit, maybe a person, a particular household, or a particular firm.

Macro Economics

Macroeconomics may be defined as that branch of economic analysis which studies the behaviour of not one particular unit, but of all the units combined together. Macroeconomics is a study in aggregates.

International Economics

With the advent of globalisation and cross-border integration, economic concepts are applied in order to conduct successful business dealings between countries. Economic concepts can be used in areas, such as foreign trade (exports and imports), foreign exchange (trading currency), the balance of payments, and balance of trade.

Public finance

Economic concepts are also applied to assess the government’s collection of taxes from the users of public goods as well as expenditure on production and distribution of these goods to the general public.

Welfare Economics

Economic theories and concepts are used to analyse the growth and development of low-income countries. This helps in improving the living standard of people in less developed and developing societies by understanding their needs for various facilities and utilities, such as health and education facilities and good working conditions.

Health Economics

Economic concepts are also applicable in assessing the problems faced in promoting health in different countries. These concepts help the government in making decisions for defining appropriate health packages and programs for the general public.

Environmental Economics

Economic concepts are used to analyse the utilisation and depletion of natural resources. Moreover, they are applied to study the impact of increasing ecological imbalance on society.

Urban and rural Economics

In urban development, the scope of economics covers the analysis of different urban issues such as crime, education, public transit, housing, and local government finance. On the other hand, in rural development, economics can be used to analyse the shortage of natural resources, obtain the best price for production, study constraints of productivity, adapt to climate change, etc.

Also Read: What is Economics?

  1. Brigham, & Pappas, (1972). Managerial economics, 13ed. Hinsdale, Ill.: Dryden Press.
  2. Dean, J. (1951). Managerial economics (1st ed.). New York: Prentice-Hall.

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