What is Executive Development? Definition, Objectives, Importance, Methods, Process, Factors Influencing

Executive Development
Executive Development

Executive Development is an ongoing process that helps managers gain knowledge, skills and abilities to handle current situations in a more efficient manner and get matured to handle future challenges successfully.

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What is International Human Resource Management (IHRM)? Approaches, Dimensions, Activities, Challenges

International Human Resource Management
International Human Resource Management

International businesses are required to recruit, train, motivate, nurture and retain apart from effectively utilizing their services at all levels of functioning be its corporate office, at the foreign production units plants, therefore, the process of procuring, allocating and effectively utilizing human resources in international business is called International Human Resource Management.

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What is Human Resources Information System (HRIS)? Definition, Benefits, Objective

What is HRIS
What is HRIS

Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is an organized procedure for collecting, storing, maintaining, retrieving and validating data needed by an organization about its human resources. It is usually a part of the organization’s Management Information System (MIS).

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What is HR Audit? Definition, Objective, Process, Benefits

HR Audit
HR Audit

HR Audit is like an annual health check-up, it plays a vital role in encouraging the sense of confidence in the Management and the HR functions of an organization. It is a comprehensive evaluation of existing HRD strategies, systems, styles, skills and culture and their appropriateness to achieve the short term and long term goals of the organization.

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What is Human Resource Accounting (HRA)? Objectives, Advantages

Human Resource Accounting
Human Resource Accounting

Human Resource Accounting is about identifying and measuring data of human resources. It is used to develop a financial assessment of people in the organization during a particular time period. It is also about evaluating the economic result of investment in people.

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