What is Audit Report? Definition, Content, Types
What is Audit Report? Audit Report is the reports that form the medium of communication of the auditor's views to the members of the company. Contents of Audit Report The…
What is Audit Report? Audit Report is the reports that form the medium of communication of the auditor's views to the members of the company. Contents of Audit Report The…
Valuation is not merely the determination of values of the assets as appearing in the balance sheet but it also the critical examination of these values on the basis of…
Rights & Powers of Auditor Right of access to Books of account & Vouchers [Sec. 143(1)]Right to obtain information & explanation [Sec. 143(1)]Right to visit branch offices & access to…
What is Vouching? Vouching means inspection by an auditor of documentary evidence supporting & substantiating transactions. Vouching is the process of checking documentary evidence that the transactions are properly recorded…
An audit is an independent examination of financial information of any entity, whether profit-oriented or not, and irrespective of its size or legal form, when such an examination is conducted with a view to expressing an opinion thereon.