Advertising Agency
What is Advertising Agency? Advertising agency is an independent organization that provides one or more specialized advertising and promotion related services to assist companies in developing, preparing, and executing their…
What is Advertising Agency? Advertising agency is an independent organization that provides one or more specialized advertising and promotion related services to assist companies in developing, preparing, and executing their…
The advertising budget of a business is typically a subset of the larger sales budget and, within that, the marketing budget. Advertising is a part of the sales and marketing…
Database marketing is a form of direct marketing using databases of customers or potential customers to generate personalized communications in order to promote a product or service for marketing purposes.
DAGMAR (Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results) is a model, involve 52 task for advertising task for setting advertising objectives and measuring the result of an ad campaign.
As we know that advertising is a powerful communication force, highly visible, and one of the most important tools of marketing communications that helps to sell products, services, ideas, and…
Determining the right set of promotional mix is an important decision of marketing communication manager and whenever they go for determining the promotional mix they always considered many factors. Factors…
The promotion mix or element of marketing mix is concerned with activities that are commenced to communicate with customers and distribution channels to enhance the sales of the firm. Elements…
Integrated marketing communication can be defined as the integration of all the forms of communication and messages so that the marketing organization can create an impactful promotional impact on their target and prospective customer groups.
5 M of Advertising 5 M'S of Advertising are: MissionMoneyMessageMediaMeasurement Every organizations or marketing communication firm handle their advertising in different ways. In small firms, advertising is handled by executives…
Models of Communication: AIDA, Levidge and Steiner, Hierarchy of Effects, Innovation-adoption, Information Processing Model