Managerial Economics Notes | PDF, Syllabus | MBA 2025

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  • Post category:MBA Study Material

Download Managerial Economics Notes for MBA 2025. We provide the complete MBA 1st Sem managerial economics study material which includes managerial economics notes, managerial economics books, managerial economics syllabus for MBA, managerial economics reference books, managerial economics question paper, managerial economics questions and answers and available in managerial economics pdf form.

Managerial Economics Notes
Managerial Economics Notes

The managerial economics study material can be downloaded in managerial economics pdf from the below article.

Introduction To Economics​

(Click on Article List to Read)

  1. What is Economics?
  2. Nature of Economics
  3. Scope of Economics
  4. What is Business Economics?
  5. Difference Between Micro and Macro Economics
  6. Laws of Economics
  7. What is Business Cycle?
  8. What is Inflation?

Demand Analysis

  1. What is Demand?
  2. Types of Demand
  3. Determinants of Demand 
  4. Law of Demand
  5. What is Demand Schedule?
  6. What is Demand Function?
  7. What is Demand Curve?
  8. Demand Curve Shifts

Supply Analysis

  1. What is Supply?
  2. Determinants of Supply
  3. Law of Supply
  4. What is Supply Schedule?
  5. What is Supply Curve?
  6. Supply Curve Shifts

Elasticity of Demand & Supply

  1. Elasticity of Demand
  2. Price Elasticity of Demand
  3. Types of Price Elasticity of Demand
  4. Factors Affecting Price Elasticity of Demand
  5. Importance of Price Elasticity of Demand
  6. Income Elasticity of Demand
  7. Cross Elasticity of Demand
  8. Elasticity of Supply
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Consumer Demand Analysis

  1. Utility in Economics
  2. Consumer Demand
  3. Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
  4. Indifference Curve
  5. Demand Forecasting
  6. Methods of Demand Forecasting
  7. Criteria for Good Demand Forecasting

Cost & Production Analysis

  1. Production in Economics
  2. Production Possibility Curve
  3. Production Function
  4. Types of Production Functions

Cost and Revenue Analysis

  1. Types of Cost
  2. Short Run Cost
  3. Long Run Cost
  4. Economies of scale and Diseconomies of Scale
  5. What is Revenue?

Market Structure

  1. Types of Market Structures
  2. What is Market Power?

Market Failure

  1. What Market Failure?
  2. Price Ceiling and Price Floor

Managerial Economics Tutorial

We have also prepared the Managerial Economics Tutorial which is specifically designed for MBA student, who wants to learn Managerial Economics in MBA.

Read: Managerial Economics Tutorial

Managerial Economics Notes PDF

Managerial Economics Notes(How to download)
Managerial Economics Notes Download
Managerial Economics Questions and AnswersDownload
Managerial Economics Books Download
Managerial Economics Question Paper Download
Managerial Economics MBA Syllabus Download

Managerial Economics Notes

Managerial Economics in MBA is a crucial skill to learn. The course is mainly analytical in nature and focuses on clarifying fundamental concepts from microeconomic viewpoint. It studies the problems and principles of an individual business firm or industry.

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Managerial economics, or business economics, is a division of microeconomics that focuses on applying economic theory directly to businesses. The application of economic theory through statistical methods helps businesses make decisions and determine strategy on pricing, operations, risk, investments and production. The overall role of managerial economics is to increase the efficiency of decision making in businesses to increase profit.

Managerial Economics MBA Syllabus

Broadly managerial economics MBA syllabus is divided into 5 unit and it is mentioned below. You can download the syllabus in managerial economics pdf form.

Unit – I

Introduction to Managerial Economics: Economics and Business Decision Making; Economics: Scope of economics; economics as a tool for decision making; Business Economics: Definition and scope; the distinction between economics and Business Economics; Economic Indicators and Business Cycles.

Unit – II

Demand and Supply Analysis: Demand, Generalized Demand Function, The law of demand, Shift and movement along demand curve, Elasticity of demand: Price, Income and Cross Price elasticity of demand, Demand Estimation: Basic concepts , Supply, Generalized supply function, Supply functions, Shifts and movement in the supply curve, Supply elasticity, Market equilibrium, Changes in the market equilibrium, Changes in demand (supply constant), Changes in supply (demand constant).

Unit – III

Cost & Production Analysis: Production in the short run, Total product, Average and marginal products, Law of diminishing marginal product, Production in the long run, Production isoquants, Characteristics of isoquants, Marginal rate of technical substitution, Isocost curves, Finding the optimal combination of inputs, Short run costs of production, Fixed and variable cost, Short run total costs, Average and marginal cost, Marginal cost curves, Long run costs, Derivation of cost schedule from a production function, Economies and diseconomies of scale, Economies of scope

Unit – IV

Managerial Decisions in Competitive Markets: Features of perfect competition, Profit maximization in the short run, Profit maximization in the long run, Managerial decisions for firms with market power, Measurement of market power: The Lerner Index, Determinants of the market power: Economies of scale, Barriers created by government, Profit maximization under monopoly: output and pricing decisions, Monopolistic competition: short run and long-run equilibrium, Pricing decision in an oligopoly: The Kinked Demand curve model.

Unit – V

Market Failures and Price Regulations: Market failures and need for regulation, Regulations and market structure, Firm behavior, Price regulation

Managerial Economics Questions and Answers

Some of the managerial economics questions and answers are mentioned below. You can download the QnA in managerial economics pdf form.

  1. Define Managerial Economics.
  2. Discuss the nature and scope of Managerial Economics. What are the other related disciplines?
  3. Distinguish between Micro and Macro Economics.
  4. Is Managerial Economics a Positive or Normative Science? Discuss.
  5. Discuss different types, determinants, exceptions of demands.
  6. Discuss the concept, determinants of supply.
  7. What do you understand by the law of supply and exceptions to the law of supply?
  8. Describe total utility and marginal utility.
  9. Explain the meaning of indifference curve and list its properties.
  10. Explain the concept of price, income, cross elasticity of demand.
  11. Describe the steps and criteria in demand forecasting.
  12. Explain the law of diminishing returns.
  13. Explain the concept of cost and discuss various types of costs.
  14. Write a short note on pure, perfect, monopolistic, oligopoly competition.
  15. Explain the causes of market failure.
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Managerial Economics Question Paper

If you have already studied the managerial economics notes, then its time to move ahead and go through previous year managerial economics question paper will help you to understand question paper pattern and type of managerial economics questions and answers asked in MBA managerial economics exam. You can download the syllabus in managerial economics pdf form.

MBA Managerial Economics Books

Below is the list of managerial economics books recommended by the top university in India. You can buy them from Amazon.

Managerial Economics

  • Author: P.L Mehta
  • Publisher: Sultan Chand and Sons, (2014)
  • Amazon Bestsellers Rank: #102 in Economic Policy & Development
  • Customer Rating: 3 out of 5

Managerial Economics

  • Publisher: Pearson Education; 6th ed.
  • Amazon Bestsellers Rank: #1567 in Management
  • Customer Rating: 3.8 out of 5

Managerial Economics

  • Publisher: Pearson, 4th ed.
  • Author: Peter and Jain
  • Amazon Bestsellers Rank: #29 in Production, Operation & Management
  • Customer Rating: 4.7 out of 5

Managerial Economics Reference Books

Below is the list of managerial economics books recommended by the top university in India.

  1. Yogesh Maheswari, Managerial Economics, Phi Learning, New Delhi, 2005 Gupta G.S.
  2. Moyer &Harris. Managerial Economics, Tata Mcgraw-Hill, New Delhi
  3. Geetika, Ghosh & Choudhury. Managerial Economics, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2005
  4. Managerial Economics, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2011
  5. P. L. Mehta, Managerial Economics, Sultan Chand and sons, Pearson Education
  6. Dominick Salvatore, Managerial Economics, adapted by Ravikesh Srivastava, Oxford University press
  7. Mote V.L., Samuel Paul and G.S. Gupta, Managerial Economics Concepts and Cases, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2001


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In the above article, a student can download Managerial Economics Notes. We have provided the complete managerial economics study material which includes managerial economics notes for mba, managerial economics books, managerial economics syllabus for MBA, managerial economics question paper, managerial economics reference books, managerial economics questions and answers, managerial economics tutorial in managerial economics pdf form.

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