Functions & Role of Advertising

As we know that advertising is a powerful communication force, highly visible, and one of the most important tools of marketing communications that helps to sell products, services, ideas, and image, etc. many believe that advertising reflects the needs of the times. Whether one likes it or not, advertising are everywhere.

Functions of Advertising

Jagdish N. Sheth has suggested a broader framework for advertising functions. He has described four primary sequential functions.

  • Precipitation
  • Persuasion
  • Reinforcement
  • Reminder


The ads perform precipitation functions by stimulating needs and wants and create general awareness. This is accomplished by educating consumers about new product and services and attempting to convince (persuade) that a product now exists that actually is capable of meeting their need more effectively.


Persuasion advertising may often lead consumers to purchase. The route to persuasion may be the outcome of emotional or rational appeals such as; humour (Brit. English) or humor (U.S. English) (Means – comic), love, fear, shame, economy and quality etc.


Ads are also designed to reassure consumers that they made the wise decision by buying a product or services. This make consumers feel good and serve the function of reinforcement. Many ads show consumer reports or other testimonials confirming the fuel economy and performance of the two-wheeler autos, or a well-known personality is using a certain brand.


The aim of reminder ads is to keep the company or brand name always fresh in the target audience’s memory. A good number of ads are repeated frequently to accomplish this function. E.g. ads of Pepsi, Coke, and Maggi, etc. are some examples.

Role of Advertising

Advertising plays following major roles in the business world;

  1. Marketing Role
  2. Communication Role
  3. Economic Role
  4. Societal Role

Marketing Role

advertising plays a big role in marketing the products, services, company. As we all know, marketing is a business process that aims to satisfy the consumer needs and wants through goods and services. And in order to do so, advertising lets the message out to take that big role in marketing to promote the goods and services.

Communication Role

no product and/or service can move without the proper dissemination of information. This is one role of advertising that transmits the needed information about the goods or services to the target market.

Economic Role

advertising plays a big part in the price elasticity of products and services.

Societal Role

shows what the trend in society is or what could be the next big thing in society. It can be both reflecting the society or start to engage what the society can expect in the near future.

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