Download Corporate Legal Environment Notes, PDF, Books, Syllabus for M.COM (2025) . We provide complete corporate legal environment pdf. Corporate Legal Environment study material includes corporate legal environment notes, corporate legal environment syllabus, courses, books, question paper, MCQ, case study, questions and answers and available in corporate legal environment pdf form.
Corporate Legal Environment subject is included in M.COM so students can able to download corporate legal environment notes for M.COM 3rd year and corporate legal environment notes for M.COM 6th semester.
Table of Content
Corporate Legal Environment Notes can be downloaded in corporate legal environment pdf from the below article.
Corporate Legal Environment Syllabus
A detailed corporate legal environment syllabus as prescribed by various Universities and colleges in India are as under. You can download the syllabus in corporate legal environment pdf form.
- Unit 1- Introduction to Business Law: Introduction, Meaning and Nature of Law, Sources of Indian Law, Legal Environment of Business, Mercantile Law, Some Basic Legal Concepts, Essentials of Law.
- Unit 2- Law of contract –Introduction, Objectives, Definition of a Valid Contract, Offer and Acceptance, Capacity to Contract, Consent ,Consideration, Performance of Contracts, Discharge of Contracts, Breach of Contract and Void Agreements, Quasi Contracts, Freedom to Contract.
- Unit 3- Contracts of Guarantee and indemnity – Introduction, Contract of Indemnity, Contract of Guarantee, Kinds of Guarantee, Creditor, Surety.
- Unit 4- Contracts of Bailment and Pledge – Introduction, Bailment and its Kinds, Definition of bailment ,Kinds of bailment, Bailor and Bailee, Termination of Bailment, Finder of Lost Goods, Pledge or Pawn, Pledge by Non-owners, Pledgor and Pledgee.
- Unit 5 – Contract of Agency – Introduction, Agent and Agency, Kinds of Agencies, Classification of Agents, Duties and Rights of Agents, Principal’s Duties to the Agent and his Liability to Third Parties, Personal Liability of Agent, Termination of Agency, Power of Attorney.
- Unit 6: Law of Partnership: Introduction, Meaning and Nature of Partnerships, Registration of Firms, Partnership Deed, Relations of Partners to One Another, Relations of Partners to Third Parties, Changes in a Firm, Dissolution.
- Unit 7- Law of sales of Goods – Contract of sale, Goods and their classification, Meaning of price, Conditions and Warranties, Passing of property in goods, Transfer of title by non-owners, Performance of a contract of sale, Unpaid seller and his rights, Remedies for breach of contract.
Unit 8 – Law of Negotiable Instruments – Negotiable instruments, Promissory notes, Bills of exchange, Cheques, Negotiation, Presentment, Dishonour, Crossing of cheques, Paying banker.
M.COM Corporate Legal Environment PDF
Corporate Legal Environment Notes
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Corporate Legal Environment Questions and Answers
Some of the corporate legal environment questions and answers are mentioned below. You can download the QnA in corporate legal environment pdf form.
- What do you understand by capacity of parties?
- Define consideration.
- Define contract of agency.
- Define the term breach of contract.
- What are the legal formalities related with winding up by the court?
- Explain the concept of value added tax.
- What do you mean by promissory notes?
- Explain company and partnership firm.
- Explain Direct and Indirect taxes.
- What do you mean by contract? Explain in detail?
Corporate Legal Environment Question Paper
If you have already studied the corporate legal environment notes, then it’s time to move ahead and go through previous year corporate legal environment question paper.
[adinserter name=”btw feed download”]It will help you to understand question paper pattern and type of corporate legal environment question and answer asked in M.COM 3rd year corporate legal environment exam. You can download the syllabus in corporate legal environment pdf form.
Corporate Legal Environment Books
Below is the list of corporate legal environment book recommended by the top university in India.
- Corporate Legal Environment: The Legal Environment, Authors Don Mayer.
- Business Law and the Legal Environment, Don Mayer, University of Miami.
- Foundations of Business Law and Legal Environment, Don Mayer, University of Denver.
In the above article, a student can download corporate legal environment notes for M.COM 3rd year and corporate legal environment notes for M.COM 6th semester. Corporate Legal Environment study material includes corporate legal environment notes, corporate legal environment books, corporate legal environment syllabus, corporate legal environment question paper, corporate legal environment case study, corporate legal environment questions and answers, corporate legal environment courses in corporate legal environment pdf form.
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