What is Competency Mapping? Process, Method, Type, Example

What is Competency Mapping?

Competency Mapping is defined as the process of identifying the key competencies, which have the ability to do something efficiently & achieve the goals of the organization & make the organization successful.

Competency is defined as a skill/quality that helps the organization in job evaluation, training and recruitment.

Competency Mapping
Competency Mapping

Competency Mapping Process

The process of competency mapping is as follows:

  1. First Stage
  2. Second Stage
  3. Third Stage
Competency Mapping Process
Competency Mapping Process

First Stage

To decide the competencies for the position they’re assigned to according to their ability & skill

Second Stage

Identifying the location in which the competencies need to work at the position in the organization structure, defining the relationships with the superiors & subordinates, etc.

Third Stage

To identify the tasks that need to be accomplished, & to identify the objectives of the function and the unit or the section where the position is located.

Methods of Competency Mapping

There are various methods of competency mapping are:

  1. Assessment Centre
  2. Critical Incidents technique
  3. Interview Techniques Competency Mapping
  4. Questionnaire
  5. Psychometric Tests
Methods of Competency Mapping
Methods of Competency Mapping

Assessment Centre

It is a certain function of identifying the skill & the potential for growth. It uses a few methods to evaluate employees for human resource and manpower purpose & decisions

Critical Incidents technique

A process of systematically identifying the behaviours that contribute to the success or failure of the competencies in specific situations.

Interview Techniques Competency Mapping

Every organization has different techniques of interviewing the competencies as a part of competency mapping.


A certain technique that is followed by the organization that prepares a list of questions that the users would fill in a return.

Psychometric Tests

The sole focus of psychometric assessment is that many organizations use as this part of the selection process, where there’s a natural wariness about the unknown.

Examples of Competency Mapping

  1. Job Evaluation
  2. Project Planning
  3. Performance Appraisal
  4. Success Planning
  5. Recruitment

Building Competency Models

For building competency models, there are three ways in which the models may be developed:

  • Behavioral Indicators: By behavioral indicators, it describes the behaviors, thought patterns, abilities and traits that contribute to superior performance.

  • Evaluation of Competency Levels: For building the competency model, it is very much required to set exceptional competencies of high performers as standards for evaluating competency levels of employees.

  • Competencies Describing Job Requirements: When the organizations are having multiple competency models, this approach is useful. The competencies required in a particular job are described and job specific competency models help in structuring focused appraisal and compensation decisions.

Importance of Competency Mapping

Importance of competency mapping are:

Importance of Competency Mapping
Importance of Competency Mapping
  • For employees, it increases the awareness of existing skill, sets as well as skill gaps in the organization.

  • To ensure that the employees are going in the right direction.

  • To guide the competencies to increase their productivity.

  • It’s an approach to build trust between the employees.

  • Competency helps the employees to reach the organizational objectives.

  • It avails to integrate management practices.

Advantages of Competency Mapping

Advantages of competency mapping are:

Advantages of Competency Mapping
Advantages of Competency Mapping
  • Aids the organizations to increase their standards of production and work style.

  • Avails the organizations to align their key strategies across different departments to have common objectives and accurate results.

  • It helps in understanding the scope & the requirements of a specific role.

  • Establishes expectations for performance at different positions of the organizations.

  • Forms an accurate work & job satisfaction for employees.

  • Growth in the effectiveness of training & development as its main motive is to succeed with more efficiency.

Disadvantages of Competency Mapping

Disadvantages of competency mapping are:

  1. It can be out of a date at times because of its inevitable change of pace in the organization.

  2. Sometimes, it’s of less use if the organizations don’t respond properly.

  3. No room for an individual to work in a field that would best make use of one’s own competencies.

  4. Can be difficult for employees to transform, few can be good at theory and few can be good at practices. If there is a change in the work of the competencies, the work can be less productive.

Types of Competency Mapping

Broadly, there are 4 types of competency Mapping:

  1. Intellectual Competencies
  2. Motivational Competencies
  3. Emotional Competencies
  4. Social Competencies
Types of Competency Mapping
Types of Competency Mapping

Intellectual Competencies

The one who determines with the intellectual ability to deal with the work of a certain individual, the certain work that deals with his/her intellectual skills.

Elements of Intellectual Competencies

  • Communication
  • Creativity
  • Analytical Ability
  • Planning & Organizing

Motivational Competency

The one who determines to increase the level of motivation in an individual to ensure his/her works more efficiently.

Elements of Motivational Competency

  • Continuous Learning
  • Achievements Orientation
  • Time Management
  • Perseverance

Emotional Competency

The one who determines an individual’s emotional quotient to build self-confidence & optimism in an individual.

Elements of Emotional Competency

  • Optimism
  • Initiative
  • Managing Stress
  • Leadership

Social Competency

The one who determines with social ability of a person that brings of inter-personal skills & team work.

Elements of Social Competency

  • Teamwork
  • Responsibility
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Inter-personal Skills

Profiling Competency Framework for a Particular Role

In order to identify role-specific competencies; it required industry-specific, functional and behavioural competencies. These all need to be developed for enhanced performance.

The approach for developing a competency framework for a particular role in any organization is as proposed below:

  1. The first thing which one needs to understand is strategic business context of the organizations in term of its structure and environmental variables.

  2. The next is to detail role description for positions. It will be done by defining and scaling (relative importance and mastery level) of specific behaviors for each identified competency as a measure of performance.

  3. Further to develop competency framework taking into consideration the core values and the culture of the organizations in addition to specific functional and level requirements. This should jell with the vision and mission of the company, and then only it can be done properly.

  4. Finally, it needs to validate the competency framework through a workshop, which should include functional experts and top management personnel in order to define critical and desirable competencies.
    After this to substantiate the extent to which the competencies differentiate between high and average performers by validating the content and criteria.

The competency framework includes technical competencies, behavioural competencies and the proficiency levels required for each competency and each competency should be detailed in terms of behavioural indicators that enable observation and assessment.

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