Commercial Bank Management Notes, PDF | M COM (2024)

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Download Commercial Bank Management Notes, PDF, Books, Syllabus for M.COM (2024). We provide complete commercial bank management pdf. Commercial Bank Management study material includes commercial bank management notes, commercial bank management syllabus, courses, books, question paper, MCQ, case study, questions and answers and available in commercial bank management pdf form.

Commercial Bank Management subject is included in M.COM so students can able to download commercial bank management notes for M.COM 3rd year and commercial bank management notes for M.COM 6th semester.

Commercial Bank Management Notes can be downloaded in commercial bank management pdf from the below article.

Commercial Bank Management Syllabus

A detailed commercial bank management syllabus as prescribed by various Universities and colleges in India are as under. You can download the syllabus in commercial bank management pdf form.

  • Unit 1: Introduction: The changing face of the Australian financial system.

  • Unit 2: The Nature of Commercial Banking: Commercial banking functions, Commercial banks and other financial organisations, Banking structures, Appendix 2A: Financial mathematics.

  • Unit 3: Liquidity Management: Money formation and the flow of funds, Factors affecting interest rates, Bank liquidity management, Deposit raising strategies.

  • Unit 4: Bank Capital: Function of bank capital, Definition of bank capital, Types of bank risk, Capital adequacy and prudential supervision.

  • Unit 5: Credit and Foreign Exchange Risk: Management, Introduction, Credit risk analysis, Credit risk management, Credit risk diversification, Credit default swaps, Derivative transactions and deemed credit risk.

  • Unit 6: Interest Rate Risk: Background, Defining interest rate risk, Measuring interest rate risk, Managing interest rate risk, A philosophy of risk management.

  • Unit 7: The Pricing of Bank Lending Products: Factors influencing the price of loan products, Pricing loan products, The impact of prudential guidelines on loan pricing decisions, Conclusion.

  • Unit 8: Other Bank Management Functions: Strategic planning, Personnel policies, Electronic banking, Auditing and control.

M.COM Commercial Bank Management PDF

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Commercial Bank Management Notes

A commercial bank can also be defined as a financial institution that is licensed by law to accept money from different enterprises as well as individuals and lend money to them. These banks are open to the mass and assist individuals, institutions, and enterprises.

Basically, a commercial bank is the type of bank people tend to use regularly. They are formulated by federal and state laws on the basis of the coordination and the services they provide.

Commercial Bank Management Questions and Answers

Some of the commercial bank management questions and answers are mentioned below. You can download the QnA in commercial bank management pdf form.

  1. List and briefly discuss the factors influencing interest rates.

  2. ‘Knowledge of risk can only be an aid to management if means for alleviating or controlling that risk exist.’

  3. Explain how the PAR ratio imposed by the Reserve Bank on trading banks differs from the LGS convention which it replaced. Discuss fully the composition of each formula.

  4. Outline the phasing in arrangements for non-callable deposit accounts as they apply to various banking groups.

  5. Discuss how interest rate swaps operate. What are the advantages of swaps?

  6. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of financial futures.

  7. Write brief explanatory notes on FIVE (5) of the following:

    (a) treasury bills
    (b) full service banking
    (c) maturity transformation
    (d) letter of comfort
    (e) options
    (f) convertible notes
    (g) CEMTEX
    (h) efficient markets hypothesis.

Commercial Bank Management Question Paper

If you have already studied the commercial bank management notes, then it’s time to move ahead and go through previous year commercial bank management question paper.

It will help you to understand question paper pattern and type of commercial bank management question and answer asked in M.COM 3rd year commercial bank management exam. You can download the syllabus in commercial bank management pdf form.

Commercial Bank Management Books

Below is the list of commercial bank management book recommended by the top university in India.

  • FRASER B W: Paper presented to Goldman Sachs & Co, Singapore, 14 December 1994, titled “The role and developments of local capital markets”, reprinted in the Reserve Bank Bulletin, December 1994.

  • FREEMAN P: “The Collapse of the Penn Square Bank”, P Zweig, Crown Publishers, NY 1985, reprinted in The Sydney Morning Herald, 10 January 1986.

  • GRAY B L: “Formation of Liquidity and Money”, Reserve Bank Bulletin, October 1981.

  • JOHNSON R A: “Monetary Policy—The Changing Environment”, T A Coghlan Memorial Lecture to the 14th Conference of Economists, UNSW, May 1985.

  • OAKLEY W E: “Company Accounts—Their Security and Balance Sheets”, The Bankers’ Magazine of Australasia, June 1977.

In the above article, a student can download commercial bank management notes for M.COM 3rd year and commercial bank management notes for M.COM 6th semester. Commercial Bank Management study material includes commercial bank management notes, commercial bank management books, commercial bank management syllabus, commercial bank management question paper, commercial bank management case study, commercial bank management questions and answers, commercial bank management courses in commercial bank management pdf form.

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