Download Banking and Insurance Notes, PDF, Books, Syllabus for MBA, BBA, B COM 2024. We provide complete banking and insurance notes. Banking and Insurance study material includes banking and insurance notes, banking and insurance book, courses, case study, syllabus, question paper, MCQ, questions and answers and available in banking and insurance pdf form.
Banking and Insurance subject is included in B COM and BBA, so students can able to download banking and insurance notes for 1st year and banking and insurance notes for BBA 1st year.
Table of Content
Banking and Insurance Notes can be downloaded in banking and insurance pdf from the below article.
Banking and Insurance Syllabus
A detailed banking and insurance syllabus as prescribed by various Universities and colleges in India are as under. You can download the syllabus in banking and insurance pdf form.
- Indian Banking System: Nature, Public and Private sectors Banks in India, Reserve Bank of India: Organisation, Role and functions, Techniques of credit control
- Concept of Retail Banking, Corporate Banking and Wholesale banking, Treasury Management, banking Sector reforms
- Commercial Banking Operations: Payment and settlement system-New age clearing and New age payment, RTGS, SWIFT, NTGS, KYC Norms and Anti– Money Laundering, FEMA.
- Negotiable Instruments: An overview of -Endorsements, Cheques: Payment and collection, Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes. Loans and Advances, Priority sector lending
- Non Performing Assets: Introduction, Provision for NPAs, Management of NPAs, Basel I & Basel II Norms.
- Innovations in Banking: E-banking, Mobile banking, Overview of Micro Finance, New Products & Services- Factoring, Securitisation, Bancassurance, Mutual Funds etc.
- Insurance: Definition & nature, its scope and significance, Indian Insurance Industry, Salient features of IRDA Act, Life insurance: Annuities, Measurement of risk and Morality Table
- General Insurance: Meaning and origin, Nature and growth.
- Fire Insurance: Meaning, nature, Policies and conditions of fire insurance. Subrogation and Reinsurance; Marine insurance: Meaning, nature, Principles of marine insurance, Policies and conditions to marine insurance,
- Accident and motor insurance, Concept of health insurance and Catastrophe insurance
Banking and Insurance PDF
Banking and Insurance Notes
What is Banking and Insurance?
Business interruption insurance (also known as business income insurance) is a type of insurance that covers the loss of income that a business suffers after a disaster. The income loss covered may be due to disaster-related closing of the business facility or due to the rebuilding process after a disaster.
It differs from property insurance in that a property insurance policy only covers the physical damage to the business, while the additional coverage allotted by the business interruption policy covers the profits that would have been earned. (Wikipedia)
Banking and Insurance Questions and Answers
Some of the banking and insurance questions and answers are mentioned below. You can download the QnA in banking and insurance pdf form.
- Evaluate the commercial banking in India in the recent period?
- Explain the functions of commercial bankers in India?
- Discuss the functions of RBI?
- Explain about various types of relation between banker and customer?
- Discuss about various types of loans and advances issued by commercial banks?
- Discuss about different types of crossing of cheques and the rules for crossing?
- Explain about the recent trends in banking sector in India?
- Discuss about the safeguarding measures in Internet banking?
- Do you think that E-banking is more effective than traditional banking? Discuss?
- Define insurance? What is the role and importance of insurance?
- Discuss about the functions of insurance?
- Explain about the principles of insurance?
- Explain the procedure for issuing a policy?
- Discuss about various Life insurance products?
- Explain the process for claim settlement?
Banking and Insurance Question Paper
If you have already studied the banking and insurance notes, then it’s time to move ahead and go through previous year banking and insurance question paper.
It will help you to understand question paper pattern and type of banking and insurance question and answer asked in B COM, BBA, MBA banking and insurance exam. You can download the syllabus in banking and insurance pdf form.
Banking and Insurance Books
Below is the list of banking and insurance book recommended by the top university in India.
MBA Study Material – Download [2020] PDF
Download MBA Study Material PDF, Book, Syllabus [2020](Download MBA Study Material)
BBA & BCOM Study Material – Download [2020] PDF
Download BBA – BCOM Study Material PDF, Book, Syllabus [2020](Download BBA & BCOM Study Material)
Managerial Economics Notes Download [2020] PDF
Managerial Economics Notes | PDF, Books, Paper, Syllabus | MBA 2020
(Download Managerial Economics Notes) -
Cost Accounting Notes [2020] PDF
Cost Accounting Notes | PDF, Syllabus, Book | BBA, BCOM 2020
(Download Cost Accounting Notes) -
Strategic Management Notes Download [2020] PDF
Strategic Management Notes | PDF, Books, Paper, Syllabus | MBA 2020
(Download Strategic Management Notes) -
Business Law Notes Download [2020] PDF
Business Law Notes | PDF, Books, Syllabus | MBA, BBA, B COM 2020
(Download Business Law Notes) -
Organisational Behaviour Notes Download [2020] PDF
Organisational Behaviour Notes PDF | MBA, BBA, BCOM 2020
(Download Organisational Behaviour Notes) -
Production and Operations Management Notes Download [2020] PDF
Production and Operations Management Notes PDF | MBA 2020
(Download Production and Operations Management Notes) -
Total Quality Management Notes Download [2020] PDF
Total Quality Management PDF | Notes, Paper | MBA 2020
(Download Total Quality Management PDF) -
Brand Management Notes Download [2020] PDF
Brand Management Notes PDF | MBA 2020
(Download Brand Management Notes) -
International Marketing Notes Download [2020] PDF
International Marketing Notes PDF | Syllabus, Book MBA 2020
(Download International Marketing Notes) -
Management Information System Notes [2020] PDF
Management Information System Notes PDF | MBA 2020
(Download Management Information System Notes) -
Training and Development in HRM Notes [2020] PDF
Training and Development in HRM Notes PDF | MBA 2020
(Download Training and Development in HRM Notes) -
Sales Management Notes Download [2020] PDF
Sales Management Notes | PDF, Book, Syllabus, Paper | MBA 2020
(Download Sales Management Notes) -
Organisational Development and Change Notes [2020] PDF
Organisational Development and Change Notes PDF | MBA 2020
(Download Organisational Development and Change Notes) -
Human Resource Management Notes [2020] PDF
Human Resource Management Notes | HRM PDF | MBA [2020](Download Human Resource Management Notes)
Financial Accounting Notes [2020] PDF
Financial Accounting Notes PDF for MBA 2020 | Download
(Download Financial Accounting Notes) -
Business Economics Notes [2020] PDF
Business Economics Notes | PDF, Paper, Books, Syllabus, | BBA, BCOM 2020
(Download Business Economics Notes) -
Financial Accounting Notes [2020] PDF
Financial Accounting PDF Notes, Syllabus, Books BBA, BCOM 2020
(Download Financial Accounting PDF Notes) -
Management Science Notes [2020] PDF
Management Science Notes | PDF, Syllabus, Book | MBA 2020
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Marketing Management Notes [2020] PDF
Marketing Management Notes | PDF, Book, Syllabus | MBA [2020](Download Marketing Management Notes)
Principles of Management Notes PDF
Principles of Management PDF | Notes, Books, Syllabus | BBA, B COM 2020
(Download Principles of Management PDF) -
Operation Research Notes PDF
Operation Research Notes | PDF, Books, Syllabus | MBA, BBA, B COM 2020
(Download Operation Research Notes)
In the above article, a student can download banking and insurance notes for 1st year and banking and insurance notes for BBA 1st year. Banking and Insurance study material includes banking and insurance notes, banking and insurance books, banking and insurance syllabus, banking and insurance question paper, banking and insurance case study, banking and insurance questions and answers, banking and insurance courses in banking and insurance pdf form.
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